A Time Traveler Visited Her

TIME-TRAVEL A traveler revealed himself to me, ascended to a different plane, I lost 3 hours of time, police interaction, revealed boyfriend’s true colors, shared knowledge. 16 years ago , I was in college and a traveler came to my beach house that I shared with 3 roommates. He slipped in with two early 20 something guys who were friends of my roommate one night. They had come from 30 miles away to hang out and the person they brought with them was a 30 something man who had given them a ride. I don’t know how they knew eachother, but it was clear that he was just a ride and not their friend. He was physically striking with a bald head, very long beard, strong build and he wore a Phillies tank top jersey. His eyes were light brown, slightly lighter than his skin and his voice was extremely deep and gravely. He had a very an...