Mysterious Entities and Urban Legends of Bihar
Mysteries of Moti Hari: The Tale of Friendship and the Unknown In the quaint village of Motihari, nestled amidst lush green fields and serene ponds, life moves at a gentle pace. Among its residents were four inseparable childhood friends, bound by trust and camaraderie. Their days were filled with simple joys and occasional adventures. However, the year 2023 brought an eerie twist to their lives, unraveling an extraordinary tale that would forever mark their bond and the village itself. The Beginning of the Mystery Ashish, one of the four friends, belonged to a family with abundant farmland and a thriving fishery. The pond near their fields was not just a source of livelihood but also a place of pride. One day, Ashish’s father noticed an unusual decline in the number of fish in the pond. Suspicion of theft arose, prompting Ashish and his friends to investigate. They decided to keep watch, first during the day and then at night, to uncover the truth. The Night Watch Equipped with...